1289Providining of 02x toilet for Guard at FSH near Bld No. T-46 at Dalhousie Cantt, Renovation of false ceiling in Bldg No. P-90 of 46 Fd Wksp Coy EME at Dalhousie Cantt, Provn of door and partition of verandah of Bldg No P-5 of living line of 323 Mtn Bde camp at Dalhousie Cantt and Provn of cover shed for Veh Parking at Mankot Bn Dalhousie Cantt (Job No. DAL/RW-15/2019-20,DAL/RW-16/2019-20, DAL/RW-17/2019-20,DAL/RW-19/2019-20)
Chamba - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
7.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
1290Execution of Construction works under CSR and SD for the Protection and Restoration works for Historical Chogan adjacent to zonal hospital Chamba, Distt-Chamba (HP), (Pkg. No. C-814).
Chamba - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
16.51 Lacs |Agency Name :
National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited