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351 Remodelling of Flow Irrigation Scheme Bhujjal Trimbal in G.P. Khargatta in Tehsil Sihunta Distt. Chamba (H.P.) (Sub-Head:- Construction of R.C.C. Diversion Weir 15 metre long, Construction of R.C.C. pucca main channel 1950 metre, Construction of R.C.C. outlets 4 Nos., Construction of road crossing 2 Nos., Construction of pucca field channel 675 metre, Construction of katcha field channel 450 metre and Construction of retaining wall 25 metre at different R.D.’s)
352 Command Area Development of Flow Irrigation Scheme Khaggal Sihunta in Tehsil Sihunta Distt. Chamba (HP) (Sub-Head:- Construction of R.C.C. 68 Nos., outlets and Construction of R.C.C. pucca field channel 7815 Rmt. at various R.D’s.)
353 Providing Sewerage Scheme to Chowari Town in Tehsil Bhattiyat District Chamba Himachal Pradesh (Sub head:- Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant of 1.10 M.L.D. capacity based on latest technology, laying jointing and testing of D.I. Pipe 250 mm, 200 mm & 150 mm Dia of class K-7 at Node 316 to 357, 357 to 690 to 744, 339 to 353, 356 to 355, 705 to 706, 707 to 706, 706 to 720, 721 to 720, 720 to 704 including house connections, construction of R.C.C. Manhole chambers of various depth, inspection chambers and flushing tank complete in all respect including operation and maintenance of sewerage treatment plant for 36 months)
354 Up-gradation of Kelodhar to Patikri Dam road km 0/000 to 11/000 (Sh:- Improvement, Construction of Passing Places, CD works, GSB, WBM-II, Wet Mix, Side Drain, Parapets, CC Pavement and Tarring work) under PMGSY-II, (Batch - I, 2019-20) Package No. HP-08-539.
355 Up-gradation of Kelodhar to Patikri Dam road km 0/000 to 11/000 (Sh:- Improvement, Construction of Passing Places, CD works, GSB, WBM-II, Wet Mix, Side Drain, Parapets, CC Pavement and Tarring work) under PMGSY-II, (Batch - I, 2019-20) Package No. HP-08-539.
356 Construction of link road from Jhainthal Ghat to Dandor km. 0/0 to 8/655(Under PMGSY stage-I+II, including 5 year maintenance Package No. HP-10-231. (SH:- Construction Of 5/7 mtr wide formatino cutting, Construction Of R/wall, Boundry wall, Construction Of V shape drain, Construction Of CD and Providing and Laying 2cm thick premix carpet surfacing including 5 years maintenance after completion in km. 0/0 to 8/655 )
357 Upgradation of Marikaghat Dinger Mathananroad km 0/0 to 22/00( SH :- Construction of For,mation cutting , Construction of Rwall and Boundry wall ,RCC Hume pipe culvert 900 mm dia , Construction of metalling and tarring , Construction of PCC V shape drain, PCC parapets and road sign boards including five years routine maintenance) under PMGSY-II Batch-I 2019-20 Package no. HP-10-262.
358 Upgradation of Kheri to Meerpur Gurudawara Road km. 0/0 to 2/800 including 5 years maineance under PMGSY-2 Batch-I 2019-20 Package No. HP-10-267 (SH:- Providing and Laying Bitumen concrete, Construction Of PCC Parapets, V shade drain, and Paver block in km. 0/0 to 2/800) .
359 Construction of Additional Alteration in Govt. High School at Kandi in Distt. Kangra (H.P.) (DEPOSIT WORK). (SH:- Construction of 2 Nos. Class room including boundary wall etc; )
360 Construction of Additional Alteration in Govt. High School at Kandi in Distt. Kangra (H.P.) (DEPOSIT WORK). (SH:- Construction of 2 Nos. Class room including boundary wall etc; )

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