You have searched for himachal-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

3641 Restoration of rain Damages on Jubbal Kainchi Santoshinager Road Km 0/0 to 6/0
TRN : 623740 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 96.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for restoration of rain damages on jubbal kainchi santoshinager road km 0/0 to 6/0
3642 C/O Suspension Foot bridge from Paddal to Purani Mandi over Beas River Distt.Mandi HP
TRN : 623746 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.42 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for c/o suspension foot bridge from paddal to purani mandi over beas river distt.mandi hp
3643 Providing Periodical Maintenance to Kalbog Chuila Road Km 3/0 to 6/0 under Kalbog Sub Division
TRN : 623753 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing periodical maintenance to kalbog chuila road km 3/0 to 6/0 under kalbog sub division
3644 Providing Periodical Maintenance to Sawra Kathasu Road Km 14/0 to 15/0 and 17/0 to 20/0 under PMGSY 2017-18 (Add) (SH-Providing Renewal Coat with 25mm thick Bitumenious Concrete)
3645 Construction of Mini Secretariat building at Haroli Tehsil Haroli Distt Una HP (SH Providing Two Number 10 Passengers Elevators therein
3646 C/O of Science Laboratory in Government Sr. Secondary School (Boys) at Arki Tehsil Arki Distt. Solan.
TRN : 623775 |  Solan - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for c/o of science laboratory in government sr. secondary school (boys) at arki tehsil arki distt. solan.
3647 Annual Maintenance of SKRN road km 22/0 to 60/500 (Sh- Providing renewal coat of 30 mm thick bituminious concrete at km 34/0 to 35/0 )
3648 Annual Maintenance of SKRN road km 22/0 to 60/500 (Sh- Providing renewal coat of 30mm thick bituminious concrete at km 58/0 to 60/500 )
3649 Maintenance of KBSB road km 0/0 to 11/0 (Sh- Providing renewal coat of 25mm thick bituminious concrete at km 3/0 to5/0 and 6/0 to 7/0 )
3650 Annual Maintenance of SAKB road km 0/0 to 32/300 (SH- Providing renewal coat of 30mm thick bituminious concrete at km 19/0 to 20/0 and 26/0 to 30/0)

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