4429Construction of Link road from Devka More to Harizan Basti Bobri Khodri Km 0/0 to 8/00 (SH Improvement of curves in between km 0/975 to 2/010). under SCSP Head.
Sirmour - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
4.52 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
4430Construction of Link road from Killor to Hari zan Basti Kheri k 0/0 to 1/900 (SH C/o 900mm dia RCC hume pipe culvert at RD 0/690 along with wing wall and R/walls Brest Wall and Edge wall in C.C. 1 4 8 at Various RDs).Under SCSP Head.
Sirmour - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
7.90 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department