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441 Peroidic maintenance BAIJNATH TO PATAHER ROAD DRRP No HP0403VR002112102 ( AMP 2020-21 PMGSY roads ) (SH:-Providing and laying G-II, Primer coat, Built up Spray grout single layer, Tack Coat and 25mm thick Bituminous concrete at km 2/0 to 3/0)
442 Peroidic maintenance BAIJNATH TO PATAHER ROAD DRRP No HP0403VR002112102 ( AMP 2020-21 PMGSY roads ) (SH:-Providing and Laying Built up Spray grout single layer, Tack Coat and 25mm thick Bituminous concrete at km 1/0 to 2/000)
443 Construction of link road from Jole to Kainth via Choora, Amroh, Dharun, Kuhroo Snajhot from km. 6/860 to 7/860 under Nabard RIDF-XXIV (SH: C/O 5/7 mtr. wide formation cutting, GSB ,WMM, 20mm thick premix carpet with seal coat , CD works, R/walls ,parapets, U shape drain i/c 10.37 mtr. span RCC slab bridge & 30.0 Mtr. span RCC Box Girder Bridge)
444 Providing consultancy services to the HPSLDC office towards various accounting related activities for FY: 2019-20 and 2020-21.
TRN : 836026 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 21.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Load Despatch Centre
Tender award for providing consultancy services to the hpsldc office towards various accounting related activities for fy: 2019-20 and 2020-21.
445 Improvement and Repair of path from Shastri sweet shop to Dehlu Bhawan on Talwara Bye Pass Road.
TRN : 836028 |  Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 9.87 Lacs | Agency Name : District Collector
Tender award for improvement and repair of path from shastri sweet shop to dehlu bhawan on talwara bye pass road.
446 Periodic Maintenance Deol Tatwani Road DRRP No. HP407VR0022 (Under AMP 2019-20 PMGSY Road) (SH: Providing and Laying built up spray grout single layer 2cm thick premix carpet with seal coat at Km 2/0 to 3/0).
447 Periodic Maintenance Deol Tatwani Road DRRP No. HP407VR0022 (Under AMP 2019-20 PMGSY Road) (SH: Providing and Laying built up spray grout single layer 2cm thick premix carpet with seal coat at Km 0/0 to 1/0).
448 Periodic Maintenance Bhullana to Majher road DRRP No. HP407VR0063 (Under AMP 2019-20 Village Road) (SH: Providing and Laying built up spray grout single layer tack coat and 2 cm thick premix carpet with seal coat at Km 0/0 to 0/500)
449 Restoration of rain damages link road Brahmpur to village Harwal km. 0/0 to 0/600 (SH:- Providing and laying Interlocking paver block between km. 0/275 to 0/480) against DC deposit.
450 Document for Water Proofing Treatment at Joints of GIS and Service Bay Roof and Service Bay Joints and Water Proofing Treatment of Administrative Building and D-Type Field Hostel at Sainj Township of Parbati H.E Project (Stage-II) ( C-552)

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