607UP-Gradation of Parshada to Dwardu road km 0/0 to 11/400 . (Sub Head:-Metalling and Tarring , ROFD for Improvement of Nerrow curve, Missing R/walls, Bwall, Missing CD wroks, V-Shape drain parapets, crash Barrrier and Logo Board and Routine Maintenance of 5 years ) Under PMGSY-II Batch-I 2019-20 RRP-II AF G&CR Road Pilot Project Package No. HP-08-158
Hamirpur - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
6.55 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
609Balance work for the construction of Barot Mayot road Km 0/0 to 7/960 in District Mandi (H.P.) (Sub Head:- Providing and laying metalling and tarring, Cement concrete pavement, C/O retaining walls, Breast walls, C.D. works,road side drain, Essential Parapets and Five year routine maintenance under PMGSY, Batch-I, Stage-II for the year 2017-18) Package No. HP-08-334.
Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
3.26 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department