You have searched for jharkhand in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
1021Supplying and erection of three piece (sets) non-linear type Lightning Arrestor on 3.3KV OH power line and different sub-station of NTS Colony and Inside of CRS Barkakana
Ramgarh - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
9.74 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited
1022Transportation of Vishwa-1200 belt conveyor TC-9 M-2 from 8th dip and installation at 6th dip, XVI Bottom Seam-500 MH at Moonidih Colliery W. J. Area NIT No. BCCL/WJA/MND/SUR/2020-21/09 Dated: 16.04.2020
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
5.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
1023Dismentalling of 1000mm structure and installation of 1200mm structure at EL-3, 6th dip and BG D-11A Gallery XVI Bottom Seam -500MH at Moonidih Colliery W. J. Area
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
5.24 Lacs |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
1029Procurement of 140 MT of Hydrochloric acid, (conforming to IS 265 1993, concentration 30 percent, Reaffirmed 2003) for DM plant and CPU, KTPS, DVC, Koderma, Jharkhand.
Koderma - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
3.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Damodar Valley Corporation