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11861 Repairing of PTO Assembly of BE1000 Hydraulic Shovel SL.No. G10085/S391 of Rajapur OCP, Bastacolla Area IX
TRN : 508902 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing of pto assembly of be1000 hydraulic shovel g10085/s391 of rajapur ocp, bastacolla area ix
11862 Complete Repairing / Overhouling of 1(one) No. 200 Amps. 550 Volt Kilburn Make O.C.B. Switch Codification No. KJ/23 Power controlling of Lighting Line at 3 Pit Sub-Station of Kujama Colliery.
11863 Repairing of cracked/broken portion of LHS chassis and track frame by removing of all cracked / broken and deformed plate and fixing of new plate by welding, drilling of bolt hole and tapping and tightening of all bolts of BE-1000 Hydraulic
11864 Complete Repairing / Overhauling of 1(one) No. 200 Amps. 550 Volt Kilburn Make O.C.B. Switch Sl. No. 9840 Codification No. KJ/9 main controlling of Lighting Line at Kujama Colliery Sub-Station
11865 Repairing of pilot pump and gear of BE1000 hydraulic shovel SL.No. G10085 S 391 of Rajapur OCP Bastcolla Area IX
TRN : 508904 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 52.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing of pilot pump and gear of be1000 hydraulic shovel g10085 s 391 of rajapur ocp bastcolla area ix
11866 220 volt Overhead Line changeable 5 No. Pipe Pole dismantling and erection for lighting purpose at Paharigora workers colony under Jeenagora Colliery
11867 Repairing and dismantling of worn out both side under carriage,
TRN : 508905 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 90.2 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing and dismantling of worn out both side under carriage,
11868 Maintains of 400 Amps 550 Volt Bicco Lorry make OCB Sl NO. 18/0830 main Switch Local ID No. BCCL/ST/OCB/20 of 9 No. Siding CHP Aml. NT-ST OCP Controlling of M/c No. 90 as violation identified by DGMS.
11869 Repairing of float Bucket of BE-1000 SL.No G 10079 S 389 Hydraulic Shovel of Ghanoodih OCP, Bastacolla Area IX.
TRN : 508906 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing of float bucket of be-1000 g 10079 s 389 hydraulic shovel of ghanoodih ocp, bastacolla area ix.
11870 Stud Changing and Bushes of 250 KVA Lighting Transformer 2.2 KV/440 Volts 3 Phase near Bararee High School of Bararee Colliery Local Id No. BAR/TRANS/21.

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