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TRN : 504887 |  Godda - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 28.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for procurement of cutting, gouging electrodes
12022 Construction of Ladies / Gents toilet at PIT Office of Karma OCP under Kuju Area
TRN : 504868 |  Bokaro - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 3.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for construction of ladies / gents toilet at pit office of karma ocp under kuju area
12023 Repairing and Maintenance of quarter Sri Ramawtar Gope at Joyrampur Colliery under Lodna Area
TRN : 545359 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 30.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing and maintenance of quarter sri ramawtar gope at joyrampur colliery under lodna area
12024 Hiring of 01 No 52 seated School Bus Diesel Version for 12 Hrs basis 255 days working in one year 8596 Kms total running in one year for a period of 03 Years
12025 Repair and maint of the quarter of Sri S.K chaubey Sr. Manager personnel under GVP II Sawang Colliery Kathara Area
12026 Hiring of mobile crusher,tippers,payloaders and allied machinery for crushing of coal into (-)100mm size,loading of crushed coal into tipping trucks and transporting the same to Charhi Siding for a period of 3 years and 4 months
12027 sanitation work for the employees of Birsa Project residing at Sayal Colony, Thana Colony, Jarjara Colony and other places through Brisa Project.
12028 Loading of coal into railway wagons by contractors payloader at Balumath Railway Siding of Magadh Amrapali Area for a period of three years
TRN : 504881 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 67.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for additional accessories for apple laptop
12030 Supply of Traction battery for LB 13 and LB 8 Underground Locomotive for WJ Area
TRN : 504877 |  Dhandad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 73.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for supply of traction battery for lb 13 and lb 8 underground locomotive for wj area

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