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1631 Installation and commissioning of surge protection device with GI earthing flate in 04 Nos. Road Weighbridge and 01 No. Rail in motion Weighbridge of Kedla Washery under Hazaribagh Area.
1632 Installation of Electrical/Physical Interlocking Arrangement for GOAB Isolator Switches at 11KV/3.3KV Main Substation of JOCP under Hazaribagh Area.
1633 Repairing and reconditioning of 1000 GPM, 3CHR, 150m head, IPB type MnP make pump of PEOCP under Hazaribagh Area.
TRN : 774567 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 3.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing and reconditioning of 1000 gpm, 3chr, 150m head, ipb type mnp make pump of peocp under hazaribagh area.
1634 Maintenance and Strengthening of 33 KV O/H line in feeder no 1 and 2 with providing continuous earth wire, cradling. Lighting arrestor of PEOCP feeding power from Central Substation to Substation of PEOCP under Hazaribagh Area.
1635 Maintenance and installation of 33KV MOCB Aline make 1250 Amp with 33KV CT, GOAB in 2 no. feeder of PEOCP at Central substation Basantpur under Hazaribagh Area
1636 Erection and Maintenance of 11KV and 3.3KV incoming and outgoing feeder with installation of interlocking and GOABs at main substation of TSOCP under Hazaribagh Area
1637 Complete repairing and reconditioning of 400A, 3.3KV PCE make VCB and 630A, 3.3KV Meditron make VCB at Tapin North OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
1638 Repairing and reconditioning of 11KV capacitor bank with busbar, control panel and reactor, residual voltage transformer at central substation basantpur under Hazaribagh Area.
1639 Installation of Remote control system for excavator with door lock tripping arrangement in 3 nos. field switches at site of Tapin North OCP.
1640 Upgradation, maintenance and installation of completing VCB unit motorized type existing 04 nos working 3.3KV electroteknica make VCB with remote control at 2X3 MVA main substation of Parej East OCP under Hazaribagh Area.

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