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2861 Repairing of Main Frame (Chassis) of CAT-773D Dumper, Sl. No.- 598 of Muraidih Colliery.
TRN : 751707 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing of main frame (chassis) of cat-773d dumper, sl. no.- 598 of muraidih colliery.
2862 Hopper foundation repairing for tail-end drum side M.S. joist and other replacement of Nadkhurkee Feeder Breaker no 01 and 02 at ABOCP mine.
2863 Repairing of 01 no. of LH Side Sprocket Wheel Group (Pt. No.- 20702) of REL C650D Drill, Sl. No.- 821 (DR-214) of Muraidih Colliery.
2864 Extension/Erection of 3.3kv OHL for feeding power to 04 nos. Pump-Motor set at Quarry No.04 and Quarry No.03 (North) for dewatering.
2865 Repairing of 01 no. of Rear Suspension (2960737) and 04 nos. of Differential eyes of CAT-773D Dumper, Sl. No.- 614 of Muraidih Colliery.
2866 Installation pipe line shifting, breakdown rectification and other pumping related work at 1T patch of ABOCP mine under Block-II Area.
2867 Erection of 08 nos. poles and overhead for diversion of 3.3kv OHL of Quarry No.03 (North) near dump of Mine-A.
TRN : 824343 |  Ramgarh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for erection of 08 nos. poles and overhead for diversion of 3.3kv ohl of quarry no.03 (north) near dump of mine-a.
2868 Fabrication of final drive gear box cover (02 nos.) and welding, setting and fitting in EKG Shovel HMB-481 at Nichitpur OCP of Sijua Area.
2869 New fabrication of platform both sides of Tie rod portion of EKG Shovel HMB-481 at Nichitpur OCP of Sijua Area
TRN : 754499 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 28.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for new fabrication of platform both sides of tie rod portion of ekg shovel hmb-481 at nichitpur ocp of sijua area
2870 Extension, diversion, dismantling of 440V/220V LT overhead line 440V supply power Deco pump and workshop 220 V lighting line for haul road Dragline face old deco patch haul road and motor pump at ABOCP

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