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3801 Beautification of welcome gate near lions club under GM Unit Piparwar Area.
TRN : 733748 |  Chatra - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 11.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for beautification of welcome gate near lions club under gm unit piparwar area.
3802 Repairing of Water Tanker Compartment on dump body with Water Sprinkling pipe line, complete denting , Battery box with cover, Engine and Transmission guard, Operator cabin, etc. of BH35-2WT Water Tanker, Sl. No.- 945 of Muraidih Colliery.
3803 Providing and fixing green curtain with bamboo fencing for making pollution free at KD old siding under Ashok Project.
TRN : 733749 |  Chatra - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 5.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for providing and fixing green curtain with bamboo fencing for making pollution free at kd old siding under ashok project.
3804 Fabrication of 50 (Fifty) nos. of stoppers for all wheel mounted equipments such as Dumpers, Cranes, Tyre Handlers, Fire Tender, Motor Graders, Service Vans, Water Tankers etc. of Muraidih Colliery.
3805 Hiring of 01(One)nos. Hard top Covered four wheeler Diesel light Motor vehicle for 24Hours duty with drivers for 03(Three) Years at Kathara Area.
3806 Repairing of LH Blade Lift Cylinder, Pt. No.- 130HC01008, RH Blade Lift Cylinder, Pt. No.- 130HC01016 and Blade Tilt Cylinder, Pt. No.- 130HC01024 of BD355A Dozer, Sl. No.- G11449 of Muraidih Colliery.
3807 Hiring of 02(Two)nos. Hard top Covered four wheeler Diesel light Motor vehicle for 24Hours duty with drivers for 03(Three) Years at Kathara Area.
3808 Hiring of 01(One)nos. Hard top Covered four wheeler Diesel light Motor vehicle for 24Hours duty with drivers for 03(Three) Years at Kathara Area
3809 Construction of RCC Pavement in front of newly constructed well one no. near NTPC garland drain and other near old silo well no. 1 under RCHP.
3810 Construction of due portion of boundary wall at Prabhat Stadium under Mugma Area.
TRN : 733719 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 19.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for construction of due portion of boundary wall at prabhat stadium under mugma area.

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