4293Transportation of Coal by mechanical means from Coal Dump No. 18B Amalgamated Dhansar Industry Colliery to KDS-K Siding including allied jobs at Kusunda Area of BCCL
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
1.17 Crore |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
4298Day to day maintenance of ash dykes, ash discharge channels and prevention of dyke topping of ash water to safe guard existing dykes including jungle cutting &cleaning of weigh bridges at DVC,CTPS.
Bokaro - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
21.16 Lacs |Agency Name :
Damodar Valley Corporation
4300Repairing of Radiator, water pump, FI pump, Operator seat, steering and brake system of Mobile service van, Regd. No. BR 17G 0482 at COCP, ASP under E J Area
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
49.9 Thousand |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited