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6431 Hiring of 03 nos. of Diesel jeep (closed body) for 24 hrs/day basis with drivers for SOPP H, SO civil H and KOCP under Hazaribagh Area
6432 Cleaning Sweeping Horticulture work, office related work and Urgent and intermittent nature of work
TRN : 647723 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 59.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research
Tender award for cleaning sweeping horticulture work, office related work and urgent and intermittent nature of work
6433 Hiring of 05 Nos. of closed body Diesel jeep on 24 hrs/day basis with drivers for different Projects of Hazaribagh Area.
6434 Repair and maintenance of 33kV OHTL, Feeder No. 5, feeding power from Piparwar Switching Station to KDH New Sub-Station under KDH OCP, NK Area.
6435 Hiring of 01 No.Water Tanker having 12KL capacity with drivers for dust suppression at Kedla Washery / Chainpur siding of Kedla Washery under Hazaribagh Area
6436 Procurement of Steel and Iron Casting items as per HEC Drgs and its technical Instructions
TRN : 650954 |  Ranchi - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 3.03 Lacs | Agency Name : Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of steel and iron casting items as per hec drgs and its technical instructions
6437 Dismantling idle range 6 inch dia 80 Nos. at back side of Gokul park and joining these pipe diversion purpose of delivery rang of Gokul Park under Amal. NT-ST Jeenagora Project.
6438 Annual maintenance contract for Electronics Road W/bridge No. II of capacity 40 T Jeenagora from 02.06.2019 to 01.06.2020
TRN : 652308 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for annual maintenance contract for electronics road w/bridge no. ii of capacity 40 t jeenagora from 02.06.2019 to 01.06.2020
6439 Shifting 4000 GPM Pump motor set with delivery range and re-installation 4000 GPM set at new place and commissioning of new 4000 GPM Pump set with laying and joining 10 inch dia a delivery range due to increase of quarry water at JGC of Amal. NT-ST
6440 Complete Repairing /Overhauling of 200 Amps 550 Volt Star-Delta -Starter OCB with Busbar Make Kilburn at near Chhat Talab Pump House Bararee Colliery of A.J.C. and Local Id No. BAR/OCB/(B)/18

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