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7221 Repairing and Maint. of Qtr of Birendra Mahto and 14 others at Bhagabandh Colliery under PB Area
TRN : 623917 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing and maint. of qtr of birendra mahto and 14 others at bhagabandh colliery under pb area
7222 Repair and maintenance of water tank 5 no. at loyabad colliery under Sijua area
TRN : 609243 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 38.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repair and maintenance of water tank 5 no. at loyabad colliery under sijua area
7223 Making 02 nos of Pillars along X cut dip in XV seam of Bhagabandh Colliery under PB Area
TRN : 623898 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for making 02 nos of pillars along x cut dip in xv seam of bhagabandh colliery under pb area
7224 Repairing work of DC Panel along with foundation and other structural repair of EKG Electrical Shovel Sl.No. HMB495 S360 of Kuya OCP, Bastacaolla Area
7225 Providing transformer shed at 5 No. seam of Salanpur Colliery under Katras Area
TRN : 730009 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for providing transformer shed at 5 no. seam of salanpur colliery under katras area
7226 Repairing of the bucket door assembly of EKG Electrical Shovel SL.No. HMB495 S360 of Kuya OCP, Bastacolla Area IX
TRN : 609245 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 84.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing of the bucket door assembly of ekg electrical shovel hmb495 s360 of kuya ocp, bastacolla area ix
7227 Repairing of stay cylinder, eye frame assembly and bonnet
TRN : 609248 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 73.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing of stay cylinder, eye frame assembly and bonnet
7228 Repairing of failed rotary motor assembly of the EIMCO ELECON Drill SL.No. DR215 of Kuya OCP, Bastacolla Area IX.
TRN : 609249 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing of failed rotary motor assembly of the eimco elecon drill dr215 of kuya ocp, bastacolla area ix.
7229 Repairing fabrication of one no pin 140mm x 800 mm, arm to bucket assembly of BE1000 Hydraulic Shovel SL.No. G10083 S397 of Kuya OCP, Bastacolla Area IX
7230 Re-organization of illumination system with wiring at Tongi Club and AKC Hospital Gidi-A under GM(A) unit, Argada Area.
TRN : 609200 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 4.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for re-organization of illumination system with wiring at tongi club and akc hospital gidi-a under gm(a) unit, argada area.

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