You have searched for jharkhand in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

7421 Procurement of Allen Screw
TRN : 607337 |  Ranchi - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 38.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of allen screw
7422 Repairing of dust collector housing ,operator seat ,rod lock stand and ladder of IDM 30 drill Machine Sl.No 867 of BLOCK-IVOCP of Govindpur Area-3
7423 Repairing of crowd gear teeths,intermediate shaft broken,safety clutch drum,splines 10 nos,fabrication of block studs 04 nos ,nut 08 nos ,and super shaft locking block02 set with bolts nuts of EKG shovel sl. no HMB 468 of NAKOCP of Govindpur Area-3
7424 Repairing /overhauling of radiator and cooler assembly 03 sets of D355 DOZER Sl. no 11393,D155 dozer sl. no 12472 and 12842 for BLOCK-IVOCP of Govindpur Area-3
7425 Repairing of rocker arm eye Holes of EKG shovel sl no 491 (rocker arm eye hole 02 nos and bucket/dipper jointing hole 02 Nos) for BLOCK-IVOCP of Govindpur Area-3
7426 Repairing /overhauling of radiator and transmission oil cooler assembly of D155 dozer sl. no 12868 for NAKOCP of Govindpur Area-3
TRN : 603530 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 10.9 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing /overhauling of radiator and transmission oil cooler assembly of d155 dozer sl. no 12868 for nakocp of govindpur area-3
7427 Hiring a low bed trailer for transportation of BD-355 Dozer, Machine P11659 BCCL No.-475 from Lodna Area to Block-IV OCP of Govindpur Area- 3.
7428 Repairing of self starter and alternator12volt model BBNG-5 of water tanker sl no BHW8678 and alternator assembly of diesel bowser sl no BR17G0364 for BLOCK-IVOCP of Govindpur Area-3
7429 Repaiparing of 02 nos Tie rod assembly part no 104002011/10050203 of ekg shovel sl no 491 for BLOCK-IVOCP of Govindpur Area-3
TRN : 603537 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 73.9 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repaiparing of 02 nos tie rod assembly part no 104002011/10050203 of ekg shovel sl no 491 for block-ivocp of govindpur area-3
7430 Repairing of Boom cylinder eye hole 04 nos. and other miscellanies work and fabrication of bucke pin 02 nos and Boom cylinder pin 01 no for CK-300 Hyd. shovel Machine no.B-622 for NAKC OCP of Govindpur Area-3

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