You have searched for jharkhand in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

8581 Supply of Potato,Onion,Garlic, Firewood,Limequick at FSD, Panitola
TRN : 589533 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 82.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for supply of potato,onion,garlic, firewood,limequick at fsd, panitola
8582 Cleaning, repairing and maintenance of drain of qtrs. of Sri Amir Ali and 7 others at Coal board Colony (Bhgat Singh Nagar) under Kusunda Area
8583 Repairing and line boring of bucket eye end of BE-1000-1 Shovel G10073 at TOCP of Sijua Area
TRN : 617080 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 77.1 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing and line boring of bucket eye end of be-1000-1 shovel g10073 at tocp of sijua area
8584 Repairing of teeth of equalizing gear of vishwa 1200 belt conveyor 110 KW of CCS Ckt., Length of teeth 135 mm no. of teeth 91 X 2, 182, Moonidih Project.
8585 For repairing of cabin, platform with fencing and guard of Drill Sl.No. DR-245 at AKWMOCP, Katras Area, BCCL
TRN : 587731 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 23.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for for repairing of cabin, platform with fencing and guard of drill dr-245 at akwmocp, katras area, bccl
8586 Complete Repairing/ Reconditioning of 80 Meter Head 800 GPM (150/200) Mather and Platt Make Pump of NT-ST OCP under Lodna Area BCCL/NT/Pump/800GPM/05.
8587 Repairing of Tata 1200 Hyd. Shovel sl. no. 70 by Boom cylinder changing after opening from Hyd. shovel sl. no. 71 of Area-1
TRN : 607098 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 22.1 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing of tata 1200 hyd. shovel sl. no. 70 by boom cylinder changing after opening from hyd. shovel sl. no. 71 of area-1
8588 Complete repairing, overhauling of Agitator over florculator water tank of Filter Plant of CPP, Moonidih,W.J.A
TRN : 630165 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for complete repairing, overhauling of agitator over florculator water tank of filter plant of cpp, moonidih,w.j.a
8589 Supply of Potato,Onion, Garlic at ABSD, Narangi
TRN : 589534 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 78.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for supply of potato,onion, garlic at absd, narangi
8590 Complete Repairing and Overhauling of Pullen Make 120H.P. 550Volt 2900 RPM Submersible Motor and 6 Stage pump of Jeenagora Colliery SI.No. -JN.022.

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