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8841 Lighting arrangement in office, kitchen and ammunition room of newly constructed CISF (Hirak) camp at Bhimkanali under Block-II Area by providing and fitting of LED lights.
8842 Repairing of quarter number 2A1, 2A3, 2A4, 2C3 and 2C4 at Sayal Officers colony under GM Unit BS, Sayal.
TRN : 580538 |  Ramgarh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 6.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing of quarter number 2a1, 2a3, 2a4, 2c3 and 2c4 at sayal officers colony under gm unit bs, sayal.
8843 Repairing of 750 KVA 6.6/550/440 V transformer for C-patch and 150 KVA, 11 KV/440 V Transformer of old point of JOCP section of ABOCP Mine.
8844 Face lifting of Officers Colony including surface dressing and jungle clearance under GM Unit BS, Sayal.
TRN : 580539 |  Ramgarh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 4.06 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for face lifting of officers colony including surface dressing and jungle clearance under gm unit bs, sayal.
8845 Shifting and installation of 2000 GPM and 1000 GPM turbine pump-motor set along-with delivery and suction at Jamunia patch of ABOCP mine.
8846 Repairing of drain and pump room back side of Mahavir Paswan Block (C-type) and 11 others (total 12 units) backside of dhansar police station under Kusunda Area
8847 Removal and cleaning of loose and jammed coal, coal lumps, fines etc. spilled from feeder breakers and bent conveyors accumulated in and around structure of feeder breakers at Kessurgarh under ABOCP mine of Block-II Area.
8848 Cleaning, preparation, repairing and welding of cracked chassis, cross member and body of rear side of BEML Pay-loader, of Moonidih Coal Washery.
8849 Dismantling and shifting of 6 inch and 8 inch dia M.S. pipe two delivery range for blasting of top bench at Jamunia patch of ABOCP mine.
8850 Repairing and replacement of damaged liner plates of chutes of screen 5052,4 of R.O.M section at Moonidih Coal Washery
TRN : 580542 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing and replacement of damaged liner plates of chutes of screen 5052,4 of r.o.m section at moonidih coal washery

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