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9201 Repair and Maintenance of damaged drain in old C officers colony (Back of New C/20 to old C/19 and old C/28 to new C/16 under GM unit Kathara
9202 Construction of boundary wall around 33/11 KV PSS Musabani under Electric Supply Division, Ghatshila
TRN : 563780 |  Ghatsila - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 25.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for construction of boundary wall around 33/11 kv pss musabani under electric supply division, ghatshila
9203 Fabrication / overhauling, modification of new assembled Sait Mine Line Starter for 4000 GPM pump-motor set of ABOCP mine.
TRN : 575741 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 84.8 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for fabrication / overhauling, modification of new assembled sait mine line starter for 4000 gpm pump-motor set of abocp mine.
9204 Emergent repair and maintenance of portico of Electric Supply Division office, Karandih, Jamshedpur.
TRN : 563781 |  Jamshedpur - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for emergent repair and maintenance of portico of electric supply division office, karandih, jamshedpur.
9205 Complete overhauling of Sait Mine Line D.O.L. Starter for 4000 GPM pump-motor set installed at ABOCP Mine.
TRN : 575742 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for complete overhauling of sait mine line d.o.l. starter for 4000 gpm pump-motor set installed at abocp mine.
9206 Construction of toilet room with water supply and sanitary system at 33/11 Kv P/S/S Adityapur IV, Jamshedpur.
TRN : 563782 |  Jamshedpur - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 4.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Jharkhand State Electricity Board
Tender award for construction of toilet room with water supply and sanitary system at 33/11 kv p/s/s adityapur iv, jamshedpur.
9207 A) Repairing of power transformer 750 KVA, 11 KV /440 V installed at feeder breaker substation and B) Repairing of 500 KVA, 11 KV / 440 V transformer at Kessurgarh feeding power to Sadariyadih Basti under ABOCP mine.
9208 Supply of Serology and Strips for Pathology and Blood Bank of CHD
TRN : 563462 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for supply of serology and strips for pathology and blood bank of chd
9209 Repairing and complete overhauling of HT (11KV, 400 Amps) Bicco Lawrie make OCB Sr no 116-1956 installed at Kessurgarh feeder breaker of ABOCP mine.
9210 Complete rewinding including modification of 25 KVA, 11KV / 440V 3 phase, power transformer to 11KV / 220V (L-L), 3 phase transformer for lighting of jamunia patch of ABOCP mine.

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