988Loading and Transportation of coal from tarmi surface stock near po office to feeder breaker of Rly. siding tarmi of Dhori area for the period of 1 year
Bokaro - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
98.36 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited
989Providing boundary wall and green net for safety of coal dust man and animal at new BKB crusher in front of Karo Railway siding under Karo OCP, B&K Area ( Length of boundary wall-450 mtrs.)
Bokaro - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
3.16 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited
990Providing boundary wall and green net for safety of coal dust man and animal at new BKB crusher in front of Karo Railway siding under Karo OCP, B&K Area ( Length of boundary wall-450 mtrs.)
Bokaro - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
3.16 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited