You have searched for karnataka in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

121 Quotation for Repairs/servicing to VECHICLE NO 08D-178847P EICHER of GE (South)
TRN : 788136 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 68.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for quotation for repairs/servicing to vechicle no 08d-178847p eicher of ge (south)
122 Quotation for Repairs/servicing to VECHICLE NO 10B-107267N CAR AMBASSADOR of GE (South)
TRN : 788137 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 69.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for quotation for repairs/servicing to vechicle no 10b-107267n car ambassador of ge (south)
123 Quotation for Repairs/servicing to VECHICLE NO 05A-058371M M/C RE of GE (South) Bangalore
TRN : 788139 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 11.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for quotation for repairs/servicing to vechicle no 05a-058371m m/c re of ge (south) bangalore
124 Quotation for Repairs/servicing to VECHICLE NO 04C-0722380A TATA MOBILE of GE (South) Bangalore
TRN : 788140 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 72.2 Thousand | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for quotation for repairs/servicing to vechicle no 04c-0722380a tata mobile of ge (south) bangalore
125 Quotation for Repairs/servicing to VECHICLE NO 08C- 085038E TATA MOBILE of GE (South)
TRN : 788132 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 67.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for quotation for repairs/servicing to vechicle no 08c- 085038e tata mobile of ge (south)
126 Quotation for Repairs/servicing to VECHICLE NO 04D-160934K EICHER of GE (South)
TRN : 788133 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 68.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for quotation for repairs/servicing to vechicle no 04d-160934k eicher of ge (south)
127 Provision of VRF Type Air-conditioning System at GAGAN, Bangalore
TRN : 716817 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 40.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for provision of vrf type air-conditioning system at gagan, bangalore
TRN : 788215 |  Belgaum - Karnataka
Contract Value : 6.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for addition/ alteration and improvement to existing boatswain store at ins mandovi under age(i) mandovi
129 Annual maintenance contract for shift operation and minor Maintenance of 2x10 MVA, 66/11 kV Substation and other allied substations at CSIR-NAL, NWTC Belur, 560037
130 Handling and Transprtation contract at RH Kyatsandra/FSD Tumkur
TRN : 808301 |  Tumkur - Karnataka
Contract Value : 10.14 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for handling and transprtation contract at rh kyatsandra/fsd tumkur

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