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TRN : 819302 |  Chitradurga - Karnataka
Contract Value : 26.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for term contract for b/r maintenance at aeronautical test range chitradurga karnataka
262 Coolant and Lubricant Oils (As per List of Deliverables)
TRN : 819349 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 9.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for coolant and lubricant oils (as per list of deliverables)
263 Comprehensive AMC for Mobile Telemetry Kubota SQ 3300 DG Set for a period of 01 year as per SOW
TRN : 807975 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 2.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for comprehensive amc for mobile telemetry kubota sq 3300 dg set for a period of 01 year as per sow
264 Radar Transportation Boxes (As per Specifications)
TRN : 819351 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 9.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for radar transportation boxes (as per specifications)
265 Supply of IBM LTO 6 Ultrium 2.5TB/ 6.25 TB Data Cartridges and Labels
TRN : 807976 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 8.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for supply of ibm lto 6 ultrium 2.5tb/ 6.25 tb data cartridges and labels
266 Programmable X-band Optical Delay Line for Radar Testing
TRN : 819353 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 1.03 Crore | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for programmable x-band optical delay line for radar testing
267 Annual Maintenance Contract for IBM Rational DOORS/DNG, DWA and RPE Software for a period of 3 years
TRN : 808000 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 16.04 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for annual maintenance contract for ibm rational doors/dng, dwa and rpe software for a period of 3 years
268 1) Rack Mount Programmable DC Power Supply for Avionics Integration Rig for Airworthy LRUs as per Annexure – A 2) Portable / Bench Mount Programmable DC Power Supply for Avionics Integration Rig as per Annexure- B 3) Rack Mount AC Power Supply for Avionics Integration Rig for Airworthy LRUs as per Annexure - C
269 supply of Hand Held Mini Instructor Station
TRN : 808002 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 6.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for supply of hand held mini instructor station
270 supply of Cockpit Lighting Relay Interface Panel as per Specification Annexure I
TRN : 808004 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 8.55 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for supply of cockpit lighting relay interface panel as per specification annexure i

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