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41021 Providing strip BT to kalpathur Velliyur Kappummal road Between Km 7/500 to 10/400
TRN : 541280 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing strip bt to kalpathur velliyur kappummal road between km 7/500 to 10/400
41022 Re Tender NRuM 11.1/2 _Mangattidam GP_Aargatteri Janakeeya Vayanashala Alli Road From 0/000 K m to 0/162Km
41023 Providing Strip BT and hard shoulders to PUKC road SH 38 Between KM 17 600 31 000
TRN : 541281 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 15.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing strip bt and hard shoulders to pukc road sh 38 between km 17 600 31 000
41024 Re Tender NRuM 8.1/10_Mangattidam GP_Kaitheri Kappanna Kaitheri peera ravi veedu muthal road From 0/115 to 0/480Km
41025 work of Mangattidam GP_ Koyilode AKG Road Tarring and Culvert Construction Ch 0/200 to 0/585Km
TRN : 532615 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Nagar Panchayat
Tender award for work of mangattidam gp_ koyilode akg road tarring and culvert construction ch 0/200 to 0/585km
41026 Directorate of Medical Education-Moderisation of DME office and premises TVPM - Standerdisation of Control panel,Providing Plug Sockets in Cubicles and AC units in the Conference hall Electrifcation
41027 Renovation of UG Clinic in the Department of Conservative Dentistry attached to Govt.Dental College, Tvpm Standardisation of Electrical Installation
41028 NABARD RIDF VXII - Construction of Ministerial Staff Quarters for Government Engineering College, Wayanad at Thalapuzha Wayanad District - Electrification.
41029 Work Name- Budget work 2017-2018-Improvements to Marambilly - Thadiyittaparambu road From chainage 0/00 to 3/250- Marambilly -South Vazhakulam.
41030 SLTF 2017-18 BT patch works for Thottilpalam- Mullankunnu road in between KM 3 000 to 6 200
TRN : 510366 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 10.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for sltf 2017-18 bt patch works for thottilpalam- mullankunnu road in between km 3 000 to 6 200

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