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8021 UWSS to Adoor and adj. Pts - Extension of pipe line at various places ward 20 in Adoor municipality (Adoor municipality Planning Section 2019-20).
8022 UWSS to Adoor and adj. Pts. - Extension of pipe line at various places in ward 15 of Adoor municipality (Adoor Municipality Planning Section 2019-20).
8023 UWSS to Adoor and Adj. Pts - Extension of pipe line at various places in ward No. XI of Adoor Municipality (Adoor Municipality Planning Section 2019-20).
8024 Supply of lab reagents and accessories
TRN : 772728 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Health Services
Tender award for supply of lab reagents and accessories
8025 RWSS to Thiruvilwamala (Pampady) - Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal motor Pumpset
TRN : 772729 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for rwss to thiruvilwamala (pampady) - supply, erection, testing and commissioning of centrifugal motor pumpset
8026 Government Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram - Renovation of old out patient department for facilitating emergency and trauma care departement Providing electrification.
8027 Providing patch works to Mamoodu Othera Paramootilkadavu road km
TRN : 819802 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing patch works to mamoodu othera paramootilkadavu road km
8028 Providing patch works to Alumthuruthy Eramallikara road km 0/000 to
TRN : 819803 |  Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing patch works to alumthuruthy eramallikara road km 0/000 to
8029 Providing bit cc to Kallissery Vallamkulam road 1 /330-4/000
TRN : 819804 |  Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing bit cc to kallissery vallamkulam road 1 /330-4/000
8030 Providing patch works to Varattar bridge in M C road to Kallissery -
TRN : 819806 |  Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing patch works to varattar bridge in m c road to kallissery -

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