10215B.T. Renewal on Chandla Sarvai Gourihar Mantondh Road Km 8 to 10 and Km 16 to 24 Total Length 12.00 Km and Jail and College approach Road Lengh 0.30 Km Total length 12.30 Km under Sub-division Luvkushnagar
Sagar - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.94 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
10216Installation and commissioning of main belt(1000mm) with drive head accessories in B15 and B26 CM panel at seam VIB in Khairaha U.G.Mine. of Sohagpur Area
Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
15.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
10218Provision of Conference hall and office space at lower ground floor of NITB at Raja Bhoj Airport, SH SITC of Public Addressable System for Conference Hall
Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
12.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Airports Authority Of India