You have searched for madhya-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

10731 Conducting the yield test of tubewells in Block- palera, District Tikamgarh
TRN : 675458 |  Tikamgarh - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for conducting the yield test of tubewells in block- palera, district tikamgarh
10732 Annual Repair Special Rrepair anurakshan deposit and other works of Residential Buildings under city Sub Dn.3 Bhopal.
TRN : 703046 |  Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 17.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for annual repair special rrepair anurakshan deposit and other works of residential buildings under city sub dn.3 bhopal.
10733 Labour Only for minor/major repairing work of India Mark II hand pump including replacement of unserviceable parts i.e. chain, handle, axle either one or more parts as the case may be along with overhauling of hand pump set and transportation etc as
TRN : 720487 |  Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of welcome gate
10735 Removing of 40 Nos. Ordinarily Fallen or choked pipe line of Hand pump from Tube well including arrangement of labour, skilled person and arrangement of all tools and plant required
10736 Removing of 40 Nos. Ordinarily Fallen or Chocked Fallen pipe line of Hand pump from Tube well i/c arrangement of labour, skilled person & arrangement of all tools and plant required for the job i/c all safety measures and transportation of recovered material from village to the departmental store or transpotation of materail required for handpump installation from store to village, installation of Handpump i/c loading, unloading etc. complete.item in Jatara and Palera Blocks of Sub Division - Jatara district – TIkamgarh
10737 Removing of 40 Nos. Ordinarily Fallen or choked pipe line of Hand pump from Tube well including arrangement of labour, skilled person and arrangement of all tools and plant required
10738 Pipe line laying and Jointing and Repairing of Pipe line and other works of PWSS Village Mohanpura and Dunda
TRN : 675453 |  Panna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 20.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for pipe line laying and jointing and repairing of pipe line and other works of pwss village mohanpura and dunda
10739 Dismantling broken platform and Construction of unicef drawing, design, drain & washing plate 30 Nos. form diferent villages in Block Niwari District Niwari
10740 Supply, installtion, testing and commissioning of Lighting works
TRN : 681284 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 13.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Urban Administration And Development
Tender award for supply, installtion, testing and commissioning of lighting works

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