You have searched for madhya-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

12581 Construction of Aanganwadi Bhavan Dasvi
TRN : 687882 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 13.01 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for construction of aanganwadi bhavan dasvi
12582 B.T. Patch Repair on Various Roads Under Sub Dn. Nagod. 1) Pondi Garada to Konia Bharhut Road Length 6.00 Km. 2) Pipari to Konia Road. Length 4.90 Km. 3) Jhurkhulu, Ragauli Road Length 2.80 Km. 4) Lalchaha Madha Khamrehi Ujanehi Hardua Road Length 15.50 Km. 5) Umariha Sijahti Jaso Road Length 6.25 Km. 6) Unchehra Parasmaniya Dureha Road Length 17.40 Km.
12583 Laying jointing with Transportation by own Vehicle of 8 INCH OR 6 INCH Dia GI MS Pipe line at Amadand Open Cast project for the period of one year
12584 B.T. Patch Repair on Patna Maihtan Mayn Ki Ghati Road Length 25.60 Km. and Pindra Baraundha Jawarin Road Length 29.65 Km. Total Length 55.25 Km.
12585 Upgrading of all general washrooms in NCL HQ, Singrauli.
TRN : 686081 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 29.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for upgrading of all general washrooms in ncl hq, singrauli.
12586 Supply of Mineral Aggregate for Patch repair on Sub division Nagod Section Parasmaniya Distt. Satna.
TRN : 684923 |  Satna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for supply of mineral aggregate for patch repair on sub division nagod section parasmaniya distt. satna.
12587 Procurement of three type of Carbon Brushes Holder required for 10/70 Draglines working at Bina Project.
TRN : 686086 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of three type of carbon brushes holder required for 10/70 draglines working at bina project.
12588 White Washing Colour washing distempering and Painting work in NRB Air Strip Building and Boundary Wall under Sub Division PWD Satna.
12589 Procurement of Continuous Computer Stationery
TRN : 686125 |  Chhindwara - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of continuous computer stationery
12590 Various AR,SR,Deposit work, MOW, Anurakshan work ,Govt. Non Residential Building in Section Air Strip Satna under Sub Division PWD Satna.

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