15674Repairing and denting of back wall and front wall, LHS and RHS side wall blower cover, repairing of boom ladder and boom platform railing and fabrication of crowd gear cover of BE-195 Shovels ( Sl No. 2 and 4 ) on labour charges basis at site
Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
6.05 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited
15677Providing Services including all Operations,Running, Maintenance and Management of Security , Sanitation,Water supply, Sewerage System, Street Lights , Cleaning etc. for entire area of Shri Pyarelal Khandelwal Campus at Salaiya Bhopal .
Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
31.6 Thousand |Agency Name :
Development Authority
15678Upkeep and maintenance of area and equipments covered under CHP Phase-I and Phase-II reclaim section including Silo-I and II at CHP Dudhichua Project for a period of 90 days
Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
10.24 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited