You have searched for madhya-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

19171 Estimate for interconnection of 11 KV line from shankarpur to Gurunabda under Soinkala D/c of north division sheopur. & Estimate for interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s Tillipur under Soinkala D/c of north division sheopur. & Estimate for interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s raipura under Soinkala D/c of north division sheopur
19172 Procurement of Remote Mounting Kit for single point lubrication system for CHP at Nigahi Area.
TRN : 564407 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of remote mounting kit for single point lubrication system for chp at nigahi area.
19173 Estt. For Interconn. of 11 KV Line From Heerapur to Bashundra Ka Tapra Under Dhodhar D/c of North Dn Sheopur & Estimate for interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Awani under Bhogika D/c of north division sheopur.
19174 Calibration of Measuring Instruments
TRN : 564408 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 81.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for calibration of measuring instruments
19175 Estimate for interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s Asida under Dhoti D/c of north division sheopur & Estimate for interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s goheda under Dhoti D/c of north division sheopur. & Estimate for interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s Adwad under Dhoti D/c of north division sheopur.
TRN : 611395 |  Shivpuri - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for schedule of item for special repair work & additional room at ayurvedic hospital shivpuri (m.p.)
19177 Estimate for Interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Radep under pandola D/c in o&M division Sheopur South & Estimate for Interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Radep under pandola D/c in o&M division Sheopur South &
19178 Estimate for Interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Radep under pandola D/c in o&M division Sheopur South & Estimate for Interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Radep under pandola D/c in o&M division Sheopur South &
19179 Estimate for Interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Radep under pandola D/c in o&M division Sheopur South & Estimate for Interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Radep under pandola D/c in o&M division Sheopur South &
19180 Estimate for Interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Radep under pandola D/c in o&M division Sheopur South & Estimate for Interconnection of 11 KV line from S/s to Radep under pandola D/c in o&M division Sheopur South &

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