You have searched for madhya-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2221 ESTIMATE FOR DRILLING OF 150 MM DIA TUBE WELL, 180 MTR. DEEP (WITH HAND PUMP) Note :- Rate as per USOR of E-In-C, PHED, Bhopal for Construction of TW w.e.f. 03-07-2018 and ammended upto date.
2222 ESTIMATE FOR DRILLING OF 125/115 MM DIA TUBE WELL, 150 MTR. DEEP (WITH HAND PUMP) Note :- Rate as per USOR of E-In-C, PHED, Bhopal for Construction of TW w.e.f. 03-07-2018 and ammended upto date.
2223 ESTIMATE FOR DRILLING OF 125/115 MM DIA TUBE WELL, 150 MTR. DEEP (WITH HAND PUMP) Note :- Rate as per USOR of E-In-C, PHED, Bhopal for Construction of TW w.e.f. 03-07-2018 and ammended upto date.
2224 ESTIMATE FOR DRILLING OF 125/115 MM DIA TUBE WELL, 150 MTR. DEEP (WITH HAND PUMP) Note :- Rate as per USOR of E-In-C, PHED, Bhopal for Construction of TW w.e.f. 03-07-2018 and ammended upto date.
2225 ESTIMATE FOR DRILLING OF 125/115 MM DIA TUBE WELL, 150 MTR. DEEP (WITH HAND PUMP) Note :- Rate as per USOR of E-In-C, PHED, Bhopal for Construction of TW w.e.f. 03-07-2018 and ammended upto date.
2226 ESTIMATE FOR DRILLING OF 125/115 MM DIA TUBE WELL, 150 MTR. DEEP (WITH HAND PUMP) Note :- Rate as per USOR of E-In-C, PHED, Bhopal for Construction of TW w.e.f. 03-07-2018 and ammended upto date.
2227 Installation of 100 nos single phase motor pumps in villages of Block Burhanpur and Khaknar Distt Burhanpur as per NIT Rate as per USOR of E-In-C, PHED, Bhopal for Construction of TW w.e.f. 03-07-2018 and ammended upto date.
2228 Construction of (02 Nos.) Fire Protection Wall at Chhindwara 220 KV S/S, (01 No.) at Chhindwara 132 KV S/S and (01 No.) at Chourai 132 KV S/S .
TRN : 850233 |  Chhindwara - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 16.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited
Tender award for construction of (02 nos.) fire protection wall at chhindwara 220 kv s/s, (01 no.) at chhindwara 132 kv s/s and (01 no.) at chourai 132 kv s/s .
2229 Procurement of Complete Drag Link Chain Set for Besta Raw Coal Feeder of 210 MW at PH-I and PH-II, SGTPS, MPPGCL, Birsinghpur . As per tender schedule.
TRN : 850235 |  Birsinghpur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 16.43 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited
Tender award for procurement of complete drag link chain set for besta raw coal feeder of 210 mw at ph-i and ph-ii, sgtps, mppgcl, birsinghpur . as per tender schedule.
2230 Acceptance cum work order of tender opened on 11-2-2020 fore the work of providing services for scientific and safe storage of wheat in silo bags
TRN : 851917 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 17.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Warehousing And Logistics Corporation
Tender award for acceptance cum work order of tender opened on 11-2-2020 fore the work of providing services for scientific and safe storage of wheat in silo bags

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