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2341 Construction and Upgradation of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges Under PMGSY.
TRN : 844686 |  Narsinghpur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.23 Crore | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority
Tender award for construction and upgradation of rural roads/cds/bridges under pmgsy.
2342 Annual contract for deployment of four numbers unskilled labour and one number sweeper for up-keeping, daily cleaning, watch and ward, water supply arrangement, cleaning of utensils, bed sheet, pillow cover and blanket including all consumables and T&P etc in pre-fabricated accommodations buildings near plant area at SSTPP, MPPGCL, Dongalia.
2343 Repairing of Pulleys (1500x300x65) installed at CHP Jayant Project
TRN : 844469 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing of pulleys (1500x300x65) installed at chp jayant project
2344 2x600 MW SSTPP, Khandwa-Excavation transportation and spreading of excavated spoil to cover the dry surface of ash of lagoon-II, of ash dyke to prevent air pollution at SSTPP, Dongalia, Distt. Khandwa.
2345 Excavation, transportation and spreading of excavated spoil on the dry surface of ash of Lagoon-II of ash dyke phase-II to prevent air pollution at SSTPP Dongalia.
TRN : 844687 |  Khandwa - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 18.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited
Tender award for excavation, transportation and spreading of excavated spoil on the dry surface of ash of lagoon-ii of ash dyke phase-ii to prevent air pollution at sstpp dongalia.
2346 Drilling of 10 Nos 125/115 mm dia Ordinary Tube well, 90 mtr. Deep in Various Villages of Block Majhgawan (G-1) in Satna District
TRN : 845390 |  Satna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for drilling of 10 nos 125/115 mm dia ordinary tube well, 90 mtr. deep in various villages of block majhgawan (g-1) in satna district
2347 Providing and fixing pillars along the lease hold boundary polygon of Jayant expansion OCP and along proposed diversion road at Jayant Project.
2348 Drilling of 10 Nos 125/115 mm dia Ordinary Tube well, 90 mtr. Deep in Various Villages of Block Rampur Baghelan (G-1) in Satna District
TRN : 845391 |  Satna - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for drilling of 10 nos 125/115 mm dia ordinary tube well, 90 mtr. deep in various villages of block rampur baghelan (g-1) in satna district
2349 Providing, laying and jointing of Piped Water Supply Scheme at Village – CHOPAN BUJURG Block-BHAINSDEHI District-Betul based on tubewells including installation of electric submersible water motor pump sets, Feeder main and Distribution pipe line system, household tap connections and electric power connections at tube well including cost of all material & labour with 45 days Trial & Run/Commissioning period and 24 Months Operation and Maintenance of entire scheme
2350 Construction of 150/125/115 mm Dia 150 mtr. Deep 10 Nos. Telescopic Tubewell Under Diffrente Villages of Habitation Block Agar GROUP 5 DISTT. Agar Malwa

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