You have searched for madhya-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2421 Electrical Maitenance Works CHC Building Gyaraspur District Vidisha
TRN : 850201 |  Vidisha - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 10.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Health Services
Tender award for electrical maitenance works chc building gyaraspur district vidisha
2422 Renovation Work of Dance Hall at Raj Bhawan, Pachmarhi, PAC Rs. 26.71 Lacs on Building SOR 01.08.2014, (Ammendment upto date), Completion period 150 days.
2423 Maintenance and Upgaradation 05 SHC Building Baramad Dhaturia Khatakhedi Naysamand and Sindhoda Block Berasiya District Bhopal
TRN : 850202 |  Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 28.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Health Services
Tender award for maintenance and upgaradation 05 shc building baramad dhaturia khatakhedi naysamand and sindhoda block berasiya district bhopal
2424 Constrution of shoulder by Paver Block at Matkuli Mahadev Road under Sub Dn. Pachmarhi, 2nd Call, PAC Rs. 19.95 Lacs on Road SOR 29.08.2017 (Ammendment upto date), Completion period 120 days.
2425 Transportation of coal crushed coal fromCHP bunker to loading platform at Hirdagarh siding of Ghorawari sub area
TRN : 842780 |  Chhindwara - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 23.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for transportation of coal crushed coal fromchp bunker to loading platform at hirdagarh siding of ghorawari sub area
2426 Survey , Investigation , Design and Construction FOR Rurban snakul vllage Piped Water Supply Scheme at Village- Marjadpur Block -Hanumana District- Rewa
2427 Drilling and grouting Roof bolting work in UG Mine
TRN : 842782 |  Chhindwara - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 56.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for drilling and grouting roof bolting work in ug mine
2428 Survey , Investigation , Design and Construction FOR Rurban snakul vllage Piped Water Supply Scheme at Village- Chorgawan Block -Hanumana District- Rewa
2429 Development of pond near workshop of Mohan Colliery for ground water recharge under Ambara Sub Area
TRN : 842783 |  Chhindwara - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for development of pond near workshop of mohan colliery for ground water recharge under ambara sub area
2430 Survey Investigation Design and Construction FOR Urban Snakul Village Piped Water Supply Scheme at Village Bhaluha Kothar Block Hanumana District Rewa

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