7142Design construction of RCC over head tank at Ganesh Maidan, Ganga Nagar, Nav Nivesh Colony, Garha, Jabalpur Capacity 2250 KL and staging 20 meter from the road level in circular shape on column structure including providing and fixing of inlet, outl
Jabalpur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
2.52 Crore |Agency Name :
Urban Administration And Development
7143Design construction of RCC over head tank at Lalpur Treatment Plant Campus, Jabalpur Capacity 2250 KL and staging 20 meter from the road level in circular shape on column structure including providing and fixing of inlet, outlet, scour and over flow
Jabalpur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
2.52 Crore |Agency Name :
Urban Administration And Development
7144Construction of (02 Nos.) Fire Protection Wall at Chhatarpur 220 KV S/S, (01 No.) at Nowgaon 132 KV S/S and (01 No.) at Lav Kush Nagar 132 KV S/S .
Chhatarpur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
15.43 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited