8312Survey , Investigation , Design and Construction of Defuctioned Piped Water Supply Scheme at Village- KOLMI Block -Jaithari District- Anuppur Based on Existing Tube Wells including installation of Submersibble Motor Pump , Construction of 100 KL R.C.C Over Head Water Tank , 12 Mtr Staging , Laying and Jointing of Riseing Man and Distribution Pipes line system , Household tap connection ,Design and Construction of Pum House and Sump Well cum Pump House . And Installation of Electric Power Connections at Tube Well and Sump well including cost of materials and Labours with 30 Day,s Trial Run / Commisining , instalation of Water Purifier and 24 Months Opration and Maintenance of entire Scheme .
Anuppur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
24.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department