1162Supply installation, testing and commissioning of 1 to 15 Nos of HOPD Valve Control Panel & Power Pack Unit and Repairs of 7 Nos of BF Valves at Mhaisal Pump House Stage - I.
Sangli - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
1.74 Crore |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
1164Supply installation, testing and commissioning of 1 to 16 Nos of HOPD Valve Control Panel & Power Pack Unit and Repairs of 7 Nos of BF Valves at Mhaisal Pump House Stage - II.
Sangli - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
1.85 Crore |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
1166Supply installation, testing and commissioning of 17 to 33 Nos of HOPD Valve Control Panel & Power Pack Unit and Repairs of 8 Nos of BF Valves at Mhaisal Pump House Stage - II.
Sangli - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
1.96 Crore |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department