You have searched for maharashtra in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1521 Excavation of Doha for water conservation in Purna River near village Fubgaon and dump that material on river side Tq.Chandur Bazar
1522 Est No . OW/TESD/TUS/ 5068 of 2018-2019 Providing E I Computer wiring, Fire Fighting, Sprinkler System, Fire Alarm System, Lifts, DG sets and Air Conditioning System UPS, LV Sysytem and Audio Video System, PA System, Water Pumps for New Proposed Dist
1523 Est No KESD/ OW/ 4305/2021-22 and other Fire fighting Works in various hospital in Thane District
TRN : 860741 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.80 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for est no kesd/ ow/ 4305/2021-22 and other fire fighting works in various hospital in thane district
1524 Excavation of Doha for water conservation in Purna River near village Thugaon and dump that material on river side Tq.Chandur Bazar
1525 Construction of compound wall for Tillari Irrigation Colony charathe Sawantwadi of Tilari Interstate Irrigation Project.
TRN : 860909 |  Sindhudurg - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for construction of compound wall for tillari irrigation colony charathe sawantwadi of tilari interstate irrigation project.
1526 for shirol city door to door collection segregation transportation and processing of waste cleaning of roads and gutters fogging and spraying of disinfectant and providing materials for sanitation.Recall
1527 Construction Of Gabion Structure for Flood and Erosion Protection of Nalla Near Dhanraj Kadu Farm Gut No.364(2) At Mauja Pathrot 2 Tq. Achalpur
1528 Colony Sanitation work including cleaning of drain, removal of garbage by deploying tricycle at Kuchana Housing Complex of Majri Area
1529 Colony Sanitation work including cleaning of drain, removal of garbage by deploying tricycle at Kuchana Housing Complex of Majri Area
1530 Colony Sanitation work including cleaning of drain, removal of garbage by deploying tricycle at Kuchana Housing Complex of Majri Area

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