1664Annual Maintenance for One Year on District Border to Sangvi Ashti Takalsing Chikhali Mangrul Ashti Road MDR-7 Km. 0/00 to 6/00 Tq. Ashti Dist. Beed
Aurangabad (Mh) - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
7.33 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
1665Improvements and Winding To Sasawd Supe Undawadi Paravadi Bhigavan Road MDR 61 Km 39/00 to 48/00 and 48/00 to 56/00 Tal.Baramati Dist.Pune (Filling Potholes and carrying other current repairs to Km.34/00 to 82/00 for the period of 3 Months)
Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
58.56 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
1666Land Aquisition of Ahamadnagar Baramati Phaltan Road SH.60 Km102/300 to 113/500 Tal-Baramati Dist-Pune(Filling Potholes and carrying other current repairs to Km.105/500 to 107/850, 108/100 to 111/450, 112/075 to 116/500 for period of 3 months)
Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
54.25 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department