You have searched for maharashtra in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

48291 Construction of Gutter and Pathway near Bawadi to Shinde Res. Area in Kisannagar in Ward No. 33 of Railadevi Ward Committee.
TRN : 502480 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gutter and pathway near bawadi to shinde res. area in kisannagar in ward no. 33 of railadevi ward committee.
48292 Construction of Gutter and Pathway near Pawar to Sakpal Res. Area in Kisannagar in Ward No. 33 of Railadevi Ward Committee.
TRN : 502481 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gutter and pathway near pawar to sakpal res. area in kisannagar in ward no. 33 of railadevi ward committee.
48293 Construction of Gutter and Pathway near Kedar to Mhaskar Res. Area in Kisannagar in Ward No. 33 of Railadevi Ward Committee.
TRN : 502482 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gutter and pathway near kedar to mhaskar res. area in kisannagar in ward no. 33 of railadevi ward committee.
48294 Construction of Gutter and Pathway near Dhotre to Janabai Res. Area in Kisannagar in Ward No. 33 of Railadevi Ward Committee.
TRN : 502483 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gutter and pathway near dhotre to janabai res. area in kisannagar in ward no. 33 of railadevi ward committee.
48295 Construction of Gutter and Pathway around Vidya Bhavan and Bhagirati Bhavan in Ward No. 31 (A) of Railadevi Ward Committee.
TRN : 502484 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gutter and pathway around vidya bhavan and bhagirati bhavan in ward no. 31 (a) of railadevi ward committee.
48296 Renovation of Hon. Dharmaveer Sports Complex in Ward no. 50
TRN : 502485 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 48.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for renovation of hon. dharmaveer sports complex in ward no. 50
48297 Construction of gutter and Pathway near Saidham Apt. in Shanti Nagar area in Ward No. 31 (A) of Railadevi Ward Committee.
TRN : 502486 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gutter and pathway near saidham apt. in shanti nagar area in ward no. 31 (a) of railadevi ward committee.
48298 Construction of Gutter and Pathway near Kamlesh Hirabhai Bldg. in Shanti Nagar area in Ward No. 31 (A) of Railadevi Ward Committee.
48299 Construction of Gutter and Pathway around Mulla Chawl in Shanti Nagar area in Ward No. 31 (A) of Railadevi Ward Committee.
TRN : 502488 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gutter and pathway around mulla chawl in shanti nagar area in ward no. 31 (a) of railadevi ward committee.
48300 Construction of Gutter and Pathway near Jadhav Apt. in Shanti Nagar area in Ward No. 31 (A) of Railadevi Ward Committee.
TRN : 502489 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Thane Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of gutter and pathway near jadhav apt. in shanti nagar area in ward no. 31 (a) of railadevi ward committee.

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