You have searched for maharashtra in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

48431 Construction of Cement concrete road At - Chikhalthan (Harijan Wasti ) Tal -Karmala Dist. Solapur Undar Dalit Wasti Sudharna 2015-2016
48432 Metalling and Mhaisgaon Tandulwadi ( Part of Papnas Tandulwadi ) road VR 155, Ch.3/0 to 4/00 ,Tal. Madha.
48433 Renewal B.T.road From S.H.144 to Mahadeo Tekadi Tadavale road ( V.R.46 ) Ch.0/0 to 1/00 ,Tal- Madha, DIST - SOLAPUR.
48434 Construction Anganwadi Building Material Suppal At Bharamba Tanda
TRN : 502080 |  Aurangabad (Mh) - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction anganwadi building material suppal at bharamba tanda
48435 Construction of Third Floor of Federation of Senior Citizens Organisations, Maharashtra Fescom , Section 12, Building No.PNO7C, Nerul, Navi Mumbai.
48436 Reconstruction of Minor Bridge on Dombivali Railway Station Sagaon Manpada Road, Major District Road, Kilometre No.2_030, in Taluka Kalyan, District Thane.
48437 Construction of Vyayamshala at Dipankar Vipashanya Manashanti Sadhana Kendra at kasane, Taluka Bhiwandi, District Thane.
TRN : 502156 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 14.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of vyayamshala at dipankar vipashanya manashanti sadhana kendra at kasane, taluka bhiwandi, district thane.
48438 Construction of Brake Test Track for RTO Office, in Taluka Kalyan, District Thane.
TRN : 502157 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 18.01 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of brake test track for rto office, in taluka kalyan, district thane.
48439 Construction of Internal Cement Concrete Road at Kolipada Anjur Road in Taluka Bhiwandi District Thane.
TRN : 502158 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of internal cement concrete road at kolipada anjur road in taluka bhiwandi district thane.
48440 Construction of Road From Ganepada Approach Road in Taluka Bhiwandi District Thane.
TRN : 502159 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of road from ganepada approach road in taluka bhiwandi district thane.

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