You have searched for maharashtra in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

50451 Construction of Internal Road at Chambharkhind Taluka Mahad, Distric Raigad
TRN : 501895 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 14.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of internal road at chambharkhind taluka mahad, distric raigad
50452 C.R. to Poladpur Devpur Golegani Kshetrapal Kudpan Road MDR.71 Km 2/00 to 7/200, 11/00 to 16/600 and 23/00 to 25/00 Taluka Poladpur Distric Raigad ( Filling Pot holes By Asphalt )
50453 C.R. to Wakan-Roha Road S.H.93 km. 47/250 to 63/850 (Pothole filling by semigrout with seal coat using Bitumen 60/70 grade) Taluka Roha Distric Raigad.
50454 Construction of Lonshi Internal Road Taluka Mangaon, District Raigad
TRN : 501897 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of lonshi internal road taluka mangaon, district raigad
50455 Construction of Jawali Highschool Jawali Road, Taluka Mangaon, District Raigad.
TRN : 501898 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of jawali highschool jawali road, taluka mangaon, district raigad.
50456 Construction of Adiste Gaon to Temple Road Taluka Mahad, District Raigad.
TRN : 501899 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of adiste gaon to temple road taluka mahad, district raigad.
50457 Construction of Sakav on Khutil Mulgaon Road, Taluka Mahad, District Raigad.
TRN : 501900 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of sakav on khutil mulgaon road, taluka mahad, district raigad.
50458 C.R. to Kudgaon Harvit Turumbadi Road MDR.58 Km.0/00 to 8/00, 11/00 to 15/500 Taluka Mhasala, Dist. Raigad. (Pot hole filling by Semi Grout)
50459 C.R. to Talekhar Roha Road M.S.H-5 km. 13/300 to 36/300 and 49/00 to 53/00 Taluka Roha, Dist. Raigad (Pothole filling by semigrout using Bitumen 60/70 grade)
50460 C.R. to Alibag Roha Road S.H.91 km. 26/600 to 42/600 (pothole filling by semigrout with seal coat using Bitumen(60/70) grade.

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