516Consrtuction of Proction Wall to C.D. Work and STBT Road, At - KM-3 to 4 Km, on ODR-14 - Amgaon - Raipur - Ridhora to Seloo- Yelakeli Road, Taluka-Seloo- Dist- Wardha.
Wardha - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
17.39 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department
517Providing modified bituminous membrane waterproofing treatment to the terrace, replacing the existing RCC Hume pipe water tanks and carrying out allied civil works at 33 KV SubStation Building on Dinshaw Wachcha Road at Marine Drive.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
11.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
Brihan Mumbai Electric Supply And Transport Undertaking