6076Construction of Gabiyan Bandhara No. 1 to 30 aross nala in comt no. 249 and 252 and construction of Loose Bolder Structure No. 1 to 10 in chandankhedhi Beat in Chaudampalli Range in WL Allapalli (Reserved only Societys in Gadchiroli Dist.)
Gadchiroli - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
8.03 Lacs |Agency Name :
Forest Department
6078Construction of Gabiyan Bandhara No.31 to 80 aross nala in comt no. 286 and 287 and construction of Loose Bolder Structure No.1 to 31 in Nagulwahi comt no. 287 in Chaudampalli Range in WL Allapalli (Reserved only Societys in Gadchiroli Dist.)
Gadchiroli - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
25.15 Lacs |Agency Name :
Forest Department