You have searched for orissa in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

10551 Repair of Expansion Joints and Pot Holes on RCC Road inside Smelter Plant
TRN : 666557 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 25.87 Lacs | Agency Name : National Aluminium Company Limited
Tender award for repair of expansion joints and pot holes on rcc road inside smelter plant
10552 Const. Of Kendunala CD over Kendu nalla at Gopalpur village of Gopalpur GP in Baramba Block of 2018-19.
TRN : 668691 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 25.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for const. of kendunala cd over kendu nalla at gopalpur village of gopalpur gp in baramba block of 2018-19.
10553 Repairing of ceiling fan, exhaust fan of Lingaraj Township including MT Hostel, Deulbera Colony, Dera DLB Colony, non residential buildings and GM Office of Lingaraj Area.
10554 Provision of RCC drain in front of 3 nos of Bay and Miscellaneous Civil works at HEMM Section of NALCO Mines,Damanjodi
TRN : 664308 |  Damanjodi - Orissa
Contract Value : 19.20 Lacs | Agency Name : National Aluminium Company Limited
Tender award for provision of rcc drain in front of 3 nos of bay and miscellaneous civil works at hemm section of nalco mines,damanjodi
10555 Photography and Videography of Smelter and Power Complex
TRN : 666558 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 16.50 Lacs | Agency Name : National Aluminium Company Limited
Tender award for photography and videography of smelter and power complex
10556 Improvement to Chhatabar to Khilei via Tinkibir from 0.0 to 24.440km in the District of Deogarh under NABARD Assistance RIDF XXIV
TRN : 664778 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 24.64 Crore | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for improvement to chhatabar to khilei via tinkibir from 0.0 to 24.440km in the district of deogarh under nabard assistance ridf xxiv
10557 Repairing of ceiling fan, exhaust fan of Lingaraj Township including MT Hostel, Deulbera Colony, Dera DLB Colony, non residential buildings and GM Office of Lingaraj Area.
10558 Construction and Maintenance of Satikudar village end to Patung PMGSY Road under MMSY in the District of Keonjhar.
TRN : 675604 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.07 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintenance of satikudar village end to patung pmgsy road under mmsy in the district of keonjhar.
10559 Cleaning of Overhead Tanks of Residential and Nonresidential building in Nalconagar Township and CISF Colony
TRN : 666603 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 26.61 Lacs | Agency Name : National Aluminium Company Limited
Tender award for cleaning of overhead tanks of residential and nonresidential building in nalconagar township and cisf colony
10560 Const. Of Mahaparabatia CD over Local nalla at Gopalpur village in Banki Block of 2018-19.
TRN : 668692 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 21.48 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for const. of mahaparabatia cd over local nalla at gopalpur village in banki block of 2018-19.

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