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12131 Restoration to Disty. No-6D1/2, 6D1, 6D and 6C 3/4 for the year 2019-20(Construction of C.C guard wall)
TRN : 628905 |  Cuttack - Orissa
Contract Value : 11.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for restoration to disty. no-6d1/2, 6d1, 6d and 6c 3/4 for the year 2019-20(construction of c.c guard wall)
12132 Construction of Gherry bund on river side of Chitrotpola right near village Jaladia with protection to river side channel on Rahansa sluice for the year 2019-20
12133 Protection to scoured bank on Nuna-Karandia right from RD 1.100 Km to 1.450 Km and from RD 1.150 Km to 2.000 Km on Karilopatana Gherry for the year 2019-20 (Working RD 1.120 Km to 1.450 Km and RD 1.150 Km to 1.950 Km)
12134 Protection to scoured bank and restoration of 3 nos. of spur on Chitrotpala from RD 23.600 Km to 24.200 Km near village Uttarkul for the year 2019-20 (Working RD 2 no spurs at RD 23.600 Km and 23.810 Km)
12135 Improvement to service road on Chitrotpala left embankment from RD 33.100 Km to 34.500 Km from Pahanapandia to Pundalo for the year 2019-20 (Working RD 33.350 Km to 34.550 Km)
12136 Extension of Dining Room of Khandapada PWD IB for 2018-19
TRN : 628920 |  Nayagarh - Orissa
Contract Value : 11.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for extension of dining room of khandapada pwd ib for 2018-19
12137 Construction of Canal Bridge of Baisinga Branch Canal crossing at 15.230 KM on BCA Railway station Road SH-61 (RD 310M)
TRN : 628923 |  Baripada - Orissa
Contract Value : 74.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of canal bridge of baisinga branch canal crossing at 15.230 km on bca railway station road sh-61 (rd 310m)
12138 Remodeling/Renovation work of existing building of Kaptipada College in the Dist. Of Mayurbhanj.
TRN : 628926 |  Mayurbhanji - Orissa
Contract Value : 52.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for remodeling/renovation work of existing building of kaptipada college in the dist. of mayurbhanj.
12139 Construction of First floor over room No. 27,28,29, staff common room, Room No.26A and 26B and Boys Common room of Udala College at Udala in the dist. Of Mayurbhanj.
12140 Construction of B type Duplex Judicial Qr For Additional District Judge II at Mining Colony Baripada
TRN : 628932 |  Baripada - Orissa
Contract Value : 50.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of b type duplex judicial qr for additional district judge ii at mining colony baripada

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