You have searched for orissa in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
12621Rate Contract for Pin Cutting, Thimble Removal, Transportation of Steel Materials, Issue and Transportation of Spares for Central Store and Filtration of Hydraulic Oil of HPP in Carbon Area Mechanical
Angul - Orissa
Contract Value :
48.21 Lacs |Agency Name :
National Aluminium Company Limited
12625Construction of PHC Building and 01 no. E type quarter at PHC Kenduguda (Tembaguda) and 01 no. D type quarter at PHC Likitipadar in the district of Rayagada.
Rayagada - Orissa
Contract Value :
47.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
12627Construction of pump house, Compound wall, 0.50 Lakh ESR, 0.50 Lakh UGR ,Laying of pipe line and its ancillary work with 5 years Operation Maintenance for PWS to SARADHAPUR and KACHHAPALI under DASPALLA block (Water Scarcity)
Nayagarh - Orissa
Contract Value :
71.62 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
12629Construction of 5.0 m dia intake well ,pump house, compound wall, ESR,UGR, Laying of pipe line and Gallery line and its ancillary work for PWS to BANIGOCHHA under DASPALLA block (Head-Augmentation)
Nayagarh - Orissa
Contract Value :
88.68 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division