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23321 Cleaning of Road Berms and cutting of kutcha drain on both side of CT Road and Haul Road at Ananta OCP.
TRN : 503013 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 8.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for cleaning of road berms and cutting of kutcha drain on both side of ct road and haul road at ananta ocp.
23322 Augmentation and Improvement of RPWS to village Baragounia under Angul Block. (including OM 5years)
TRN : 503061 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 25.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for augmentation and improvement of rpws to village baragounia under angul block. (including om 5years)
23323 Const. of 6.00 mtr. Dia L.S. masonry Open Well for PWS to village Tentoi under Talcher Block.
TRN : 503062 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 16.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for const. of 6.00 mtr. dia l.s. masonry open well for pws to village tentoi under talcher block.
23324 Construction maintenance of Rural Piped Water Supply System at village Kandalia in G.P. Bhuasuni under Bangiriposi Block of Mayurbhanj District
TRN : 503063 |  Mayurbhanji - Orissa
Contract Value : 73.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for construction maintenance of rural piped water supply system at village kandalia in g.p. bhuasuni under bangiriposi block of mayurbhanj district
23325 Augmentation and Improvement of RPWS to village Nuahata under Banarpal Block.
TRN : 503064 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 13.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for augmentation and improvement of rpws to village nuahata under banarpal block.
23326 Augmentation and Improvement of RPWS to village Injidi under Pallahara Block.
TRN : 503065 |  Palla Hara - Orissa
Contract Value : 5.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for augmentation and improvement of rpws to village injidi under pallahara block.
23327 Rural Piped Water Supply to village Natada (Zone-I) under Chhendipada Block. (including OM 5years)
TRN : 503066 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.45 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for rural piped water supply to village natada (zone-i) under chhendipada block. (including om 5years)
23328 Construction of 1.00 Lakh ltr Capacity RCC Elevated storage reservoir with 15.00 mtr staging height and ancillary item for RPWS to village Chikili under Koksara Block
23329 Construction of 1.00 Lakh ltr Capacity RCC Elevated storage reservoir with 15.00 mtr staging height and ancillary item for RPWS to village Mandal under Kalampur Block
23330 Construction of 1.00 Lakh ltr Capacity RCC Elevated storage reservoir with 15.00 mtr staging height and ancillary item for RPWS to village Chhoriagarh under Junagarh Block

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