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23481 KID-109 of 2017-18 Improvement to right bank of K.Canal from RD 5150M to 6000M. for the year 18-19.
TRN : 503791 |  Kendrapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 12.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for kid-109 of 2017-18 improvement to right bank of k.canal from rd 5150m to 6000m. for the year 18-19.
23482 KID-108 of 2017-18 Renovation of of G.Canal from RD 2000M to 2400M (Canal lining)
TRN : 503792 |  Kendrapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 19.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for kid-108 of 2017-18 renovation of of g.canal from rd 2000m to 2400m (canal lining)
23483 KID-106 of 2017-18 Protection to scoured bank on Nuna right embankment from Badapal to Gadarmitto RD 4.065 Km to 4.120 Km. near village Jayachandrapur for the year 18.19.
23484 KID-114 of 2017-18 Renovation of sluice at RD 5.160 Km of Kodakan gherry and 0.120 Km of Tikhiri gherry.
TRN : 503794 |  Kendrapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 20.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for kid-114 of 2017-18 renovation of sluice at rd 5.160 km of kodakan gherry and 0.120 km of tikhiri gherry.
23485 KID-105 of 2017-18 Improvement to service road on Chitrotpala right embankment from RD 37.250 Km. to 39.100 Km. and 40.700 Km. to 41.500 Km. for the year 18-19.
23486 KID-76 of 2017-18 Improvement to from RD 00 to 2770M of of K.Canal.
TRN : 503796 |  Kendrapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 7.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for kid-76 of 2017-18 improvement to from rd 00 to 2770m of of k.canal.
23487 KID-75 of 2017-18 Improvement to of K.Canal for 18-19.
TRN : 503797 |  Kendrapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 15.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for kid-75 of 2017-18 improvement to of k.canal for 18-19.
23488 KID-103 of 2017-18 Repair to Village side Gada near Indupur Maliksahi (Working area at Maliksahi at Harinababi School and patighr gada) for 18-19.
23489 KID-98 of 2017-18 Construction of Drainage Syphone, VRB and Guard wall in Alipur Panturi Minor of of P.Canal for 18-19.
23490 KID-97 of 2017-18 Improvement to right bank of of G.Canal from RD 4.50 Km to RD 4.85 Km and improvement to right bank of R-4 Minor from RD 00 to 150 M for 18-19.

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