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2441Up-keeping of township for different type Qtrs at Balanda Colony including that of Jagannath Colony portion at Balanda for a period of two years under Jagannath Colliery, Jagannath Area.
Angul - Orissa
Contract Value :
46.62 Lacs |Agency Name :
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
2442Maintenance of Lawn, Green Tees, Bunkers and Flower Bed etc of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Central Nursery and Brahmani Golf Course for a period of two years under Jagannath Area.
Angul - Orissa
Contract Value :
37.59 Lacs |Agency Name :
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
2446Hiring of One (1) Jeep (Bolero/ Sumo or its equivalent covered vehicle) with AC fitted (Diesel) for 24 hrs(Non-shift duty) per day duty for two years at GOCP, Basundhara Area (682 days).(4000km run per month)(engagement 2 drivers with staggered rest)
Sundergarh - Orissa
Contract Value :
7.63 Lacs |Agency Name :
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
2448Hiring of 01 No. 10Te Explosive Van for 12 hrs duty per day with max 60KM run per day a period of 02 years (341 working days per year) for Lajkura OCP, IB Valley Area.
Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value :
15.61 Lacs |Agency Name :
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
2450Underground Construction of 01 No. of Sectionalization Stopping (Bricks) and 03 Nos. of Preparatory Stopping sealings in 90LN Panel (Sec-A) of Hirakhand Bundia Mine, RSA, OA, MCL
Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value :
22.62 Lacs |Agency Name :
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited