You have searched for orissa in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

3211 Flood Protection to left bank of Badjore Nallah near village Bonaikela under Bonaikela G P in Gurundia Block for the year 2019-20.
3212 Execution of Rural Piped Water Supply System at village Pedagadi in GP Pedagadi under Kaptipada Block of Mayurbhanj District with 5 years O M under RIDF Programme 2019-20.
3213 Construction of Community Toilet at Babusahi in ward No-06 ( 10seated)
TRN : 775746 |  Boudh - Orissa
Contract Value : 11.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of community toilet at babusahi in ward no-06 ( 10seated)
3214 Filling of Excavated Portion of The Earth Dam from RD 1610m to 1790m of Kanupur Irrigation Project.
TRN : 775747 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 6.46 Crore | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for filling of excavated portion of the earth dam from rd 1610m to 1790m of kanupur irrigation project.
3215 New Construction of Health and Wellness Sub-Centre at Mahubhatta under Raighar Block in the District of Nabarangpur for the Year 2019-20.
TRN : 775748 |  Nabarangpur - Orissa
Contract Value : 5.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for new construction of health and wellness sub-centre at mahubhatta under raighar block in the district of nabarangpur for the year 2019-20.
3216 (X) Fabrication, supply, transportation and erection of sluice gate at Nilachalbazar at RD 16.545KM of Mahanadi left embankment under Executive Engineer, Kendrapara Irrigation Division, Kendrapara for 2019-20.
3217 Repair Maintenance of Gate, Hoist of Sluice near village Etakud of Davar Santrash T. R. Embankment, RD 72.100km Sikhar Sluice of Devi Right Embankment, Drainage Syphon at Pradhansahi ,Drainage Syphon at Tampaghai Under EE, Nimapada Irr. Divn
3218 Repair, Maintenance of Gate, Hoist of Bhandaria MIP, Gajatota MIP, Jayamangal MIP, Tirimala MIP, Parsuabandha MIP, Left Scouring Sluice gates of Siko MIP under EE, Minor Irrigation Division, Khordha for the year 2019-20.
3219 Repair, Maintenance of Gate, Hoist of Balabhadrapur Sluice, Barapada II Sluice, Barapada I Sluice, Golabai Escape on Malaguni Left embankment, Krushnapur Sluice No. II on Malaguni Left Embankment at RD 4.08 km under EE, Khordha Irr. Divn
3220 Fabrication, Tansportation,Erection of Gate, Hoist of Badajorenalla (Bada kiari) Checkdam, Baunsapal Checkdam, Baurimunda Checkdam, Bhaktapala Checkdam, Chatkhali Checkdam, Dhobali kiari Checkdam, Nuabhuin Checkdam under EE, MI Divn Dhenkanal

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