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3261 Flood protection work to left bank of river Vansadhara behind U/S of Kasinagar Police station near Kasinagar NAC.
TRN : 775736 |  Berhampur (Orissa) - Orissa
Contract Value : 42.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for flood protection work to left bank of river vansadhara behind u/s of kasinagar police station near kasinagar nac.
3262 Construction of lining from RD 315 M to RD 365 M of Raiberna Sub Minor I and RD 00 M to RD 30 M of Keshramal Minor I construction of guard wall from RD 20 M to 70 M of Raiberna Sub Minor I and RD 1945 to 1950 M 1955 M to 1960 M 2045 M to 2050 and RD.
3263 Construction of inlets at RD 5100 m 20600 m 22520 m 21800 m and 22770 m including repair of service road from RD 17360 m to RD 18650 m of Left Main Canal of Kansbahal Irrigation Project
3264 Construction of guard wall with bed lining from RD 20100 m to RD 20200 m of Left Main Canal of Kansbahal Irrigation Project
3265 Construction of guard wall from RD 1700 M to 1900 M of Badnuagaon Minor II of Left Main Canal of Kansbahal Irrigation Project
3266 Lining to Beldihi Distributary from RD 4035mtr to 4155mtr of Pitamahal Irrigation Project for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 775741 |  Sundergarh - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for lining to beldihi distributary from rd 4035mtr to 4155mtr of pitamahal irrigation project for the year 2019-20.
3267 Flood Protection to Right Bank of Korapani Nallah in village Khutgaon under Khutgaon G P in Lahunipara Block Balance work for the year 2019-20.
3268 Construction of guard wall from RD 2285 M to RD 2335 M of Badnuagaon Minor I and RD 1900 M to RD 2000 M 2190 M to 2280 M of Badnuagaon Minor II and RD OO to 180 M of Kumarkela Sub Minor II RD 00 to 30 M of Kumarkela Sub Minor III and RD 00 to 30 M
3269 Flood Protection to left bank of Badjore Nallah near village Bonaikela under Bonaikela G P in Gurundia Block for the year 2019-20.
3270 Execution of Rural Piped Water Supply System at village Pedagadi in GP Pedagadi under Kaptipada Block of Mayurbhanj District with 5 years O M under RIDF Programme 2019-20.

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